Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I woke up with a headache today. And it's still here, despite drinking a bunch of water and taking some tylenol.

By the time I got downstairs I was also feeling pretty queasy. I waited a little bit before having an english muffin. But still felt queasy.

Now it's a few hours later. I still have a headache. I'm still queasy, but a little hungry too, so I had a banana. And I'm sleepy. I've wanted a nap since I got up this morning.


And I know that none of this yuckiness means anything other than I have been taking lots of progesterone.

Double ick.

I'm gonna go take a nap.


  1. I hope it means much more than the fact you've been taking lots of progesterone. Thinking of you...

  2. I hope the icks are a sign that those embies are snuggling in for a nice long stay. Praying hard for you. XOXO

  3. I hope these are great signs! Can't wait for Saturday...

  4. I don't know if it's the progesterone or not, but it's making me excited!

  5. Sorry you aren't feeling well but THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Sounds like a great symptom to have to me.

    Very exciting!!

  6. Ack, you are so controlled! I hate POAS and I think they're evil but I read this and want to think good things for you but don't want to hope in case it's not and then it'll all suck...

  7. Hmm....I guess it's not quite kosher to say I hope you keep feeling sick?!? Or maybe it is in this situation....either way, I hope it's not just the progesterone! I'm off to email you now...I can't tell if this is posting or not for some reason so if there are like 3 of them, that's why!

  8. OK, girlie, you know I am the queen of the progesterone whiners....and I have never felt queasy. Hungry? Cranky? Bloated? Exhausted? You better believe it. But not queasy.

    Here's hoping you feel that way for a good reason!

  9. Sorry that you feeling icky...I am too praying and wishing that this is more than just progesterone!!

    Good luck with the rest of the wait, not long to go now :)

  10. Here's to hoping that the yuckiness is a positive sign!!

  11. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Queasy and head-achy --- I have never felt that way on progesterone! I have very high hopes, this sounds super promising!! Cannot wait until Saturday!

  12. Frankly, I am starting to think you should POAS - not for you, but for us. You are calm and trying to keep a level head about the whole thing but those of us living vicariously through you - we're going bonkers with the possible good news here. 12 days past a 3 day transfer seems like 15 days post ovulation to me - there could be a bfp on 12 days past ovulation (I don't know this from personal experience but from reading lots of blogs...)

    All that being said, I don't really want you to poas for us. I think it is great to wait for the official beta. I can never do it but I admire those who can. I'm thinking big fat positive thoughts for you.

    Two more days. It's almost here.

  13. I second egged out. Do it! Pee on a stick for us! We just want to know!

    Seriously, I admire how calmly you are taking all of this. I think I would have peed on at least 546 sticks by now.

    I hope you had a nice nap and are feeling better. Saturday can't come fast enough!

  14. Well, I feel bad for you, but I hope that this is a sign of good things and that it continues for a long time! I know that sounds mean, but it's a good thing, really!

  15. I have taken progesterone but have not had those side effects. Two days to Saturday! I am thinking of you.
