Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, Monday

I have returned from my visit to Southern California to visit with our new nephew, Ryan, and his family, Eric, Kari and Ashley. He is just too cute and makes the scrunchiest little old man faces! He is a really good baby and hardly cries at all, just when he is hungry. Ryan is very content to sit in his swing and just look around. Ashley has a hard time keeping her hands (and lips!) off of him. It's so cute when she will walk past him, pat him on the belly, and say, "Hi sweetie-pie". Kari is recovering well and both she and Eric are getting used to being sleep deprived again.

I got home yesterday, and being sleep deprived myself, spent the afternoon napping. Brian and I made ourselves a nice little surf-n-turf dinner. We actually did the surf-n-turf thing because neither of us is really much into seafood and we had some salmon that we weren't sure if we were going to like or not and we didn't want to commit to it for dinner and then hate it. So, we shared a salmon filet (preseasoned and frozen from Costco, and really good, I might add) and a rib eye. We also had twice baked potatoes and fresh zucchini. Later we watched the third Harry Potter movie so that we will have our memories recently refreshed before the latest movie opens this week.

So here we are Monday morning, and tutoring for the week is starting up in a few minutes. I just made a casserole for dinner tonight, so I won't have to do that later. And I'm already ready for a nap. I don't know why I'm so sleepy. Too bad I don't have time for a Starbucks run before the first kid gets here.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That is one seriously cute baby!!!

    My DH is a Starbucks manager, I love my Starbucks! What are you tutoring this summer?

  2. What a cutie! I'd be all over him too :)

    And can I just say ... Costco rocks!

  3. Costco does rock--have you ever tried their huge chocolate chip cookies? They're heavenly...

    Your nephew is such a cutie!

  4. Your nephew is cute!

    I hope your tutoring went well.

  5. Cute! I just want to give him little kisses on those cheeks!
