Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Party Time

I knew that Brian had a party planned for me for my birthday. However, I didn't know about the surprise that he had planned. Yup, he arranged for some of my girlfriends from California to come out to celebrate! On Saturday morning we got up early to grab bagels for breakfast and to run a few errands. After stopping at Costco Brian started driving us on a mystery mission. As we arrived at the airport arrival zone he told me to start looking for someone I knew. And there was my friend Glenna! After we arrived back at the house we visited and had some lunch, then I went upstairs to shower. When I came down more friends were waiting! Connie and Melanie (as well as their families) were hanging out waiting for me to come down. What a surprise! Soon after the Lava Flows started flowing and we were having a great time.

A couple of hours later the local guests arrived, including my parents, Jan and Bud, and some of our local friends, including our friend's newborn baby! We had the whole tropical theme going, hence the parrot and palm tree on my sunglasses (courtesy of Melanie). Brian ordered island grill food, prepared all sorts of tropical drinks, played Hawaiian music and the pool was in full swing. It was quite a day, and I was sure glad I had cleaned all of the bathrooms and extra bedrooms since we had so many overnight guests.

And here is the guy who made it all happen.

And as you can see, he picked out his clothes himself.


  1. What a sweet hubby you have! And Happy Birthday.

    Thanks for the nice comment at my place, you're so right, and I'll try to relax and just have faith that all is going well. x

  2. You have a fabulous hubby, glad you were able to have a good time.

  3. I just told my husband about your amazing and memorable birthday-- what a great surprise! Happy Birthday!

  4. What a wonderful surprise! Happy Birthday!

  5. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Brian gave you a great surprise. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy belated birthday and you have a great husband.

  7. Thanks for all of the birthday wishes!

    And I happen to agree, my hubby is especially wonderful!

  8. Oh so so sweet! Happy Birthday!

  9. What a great guy! I'm glad you had an awesome birthday - you deserved it!
