Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All Roads Lead to Baseball

Being married to a self-proclaimed baseball freak does lead to some interesting day trips, not to mention, attending a lot of games; whether it be for a favorite team or not. Any time that we travel anywhere, if there is any connection to baseball to be found, you can be sure we will make a stop. If it's during the regular baseball season this means seeing a game in the local stadium. If one happens to be driving through the corn fields of Iowa, it means stopping at the Bob Feller birthplace and museum. And if one happens to be visiting a major city during the playoffs (who's team isn't talented enough to make the playoffs) then it means visiting the stadium for a stadium tour.

It also means that if one's baby doesn't want to be taking a stadium tour, then one wanders the stadium alone (except for said baby) while her dear hubby tours the innards of the stadium and learns all sorts of semi-worthless trivia.


  1. I'm glad you've had such a great trip out East. Love all the pictures. Andrew looks like he is having a fabulous time as well!

  2. I mean, Baltimore is only marginal baseball, but I can at least agree that Camden Yards is a great park.

  3. I too am married to a baseball freak. Our trips seem eerily similar. E (my husbando) plays vintage ball, so we spend most of our summer driving around to his different games.

    -- A Fellow Braces Buncher

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I had many events where I was outside with the unhappy baby who didn't want to see the cool thing we were at. We missed the circus, many movies, and sporting events. But we always tried.

