Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Little Happies

There are so many little moments each day that make me really happy. I don't always photograph them, but I do take joy in them and give thanks for them. I just wanted to share a few of those such moments here.

Andrew is really into playing with this Elmo bench. He simply doesn't know what to do first! He can't stand yet, and it's too tall if he sits on the floor, so we compromise and use the bebe pod seat. This is guaranteed to keep his attention for a while and results in many happy squeals from him.
Andrew is always a happy boy when sitting in his high chair because he knows that food is on the way!
I absolutely love chubalicious thighs. Not on me, of course, but Andrew's are simply delightful.
Andrew has morphed into a belly-sleeping-butt-in-the-air kind of baby. It's really cute, but not an ideal position for babies with colds. Yes, he has a cold again. He got it 3 full days after the doctor had us stop the daily nebulizer treatments he has been on since January.
On weekend mornings I like to put in a DVD for Andrew. He watches either Baby Signs by Baby Einstein or Praise Baby and they are both a good time. I believe here that he was watching the puppets on Baby Signs. Andrew's other favorite show to watch is our digital picture frame.
Well, that's it for now. I have lots of other posts floating around in my head and a mystery to present to you, however, it's past my bedtime. Maybe tomorrow . . .


  1. so sorry for the cold. Those thighs are delish!

  2. Asher sleeps the same way now and I find that if I put a pillow under the end of his mattress and elevate it a bit, it helps a lot, even when he's on his tummy.

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE baby chubby thighs!!!! Hope the cold goes away soon!!!

  4. Goodness, he is so delish!

  5. It's amazing how many similarities our boys have. Mine also has very chubby thighs and has started sleeping on his belly. He also pretty much always has a cough. His seems to be due to allergies, so we just keep him comfortable however we can. It doesn't seem to get him down at all. Thanks for sharing your happy moments!
