Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Polls and Rockin'

Lots of good ideas were shared for the naming of this IVF cycle! As promised, you will be able to vote, which is a really good thing because there were so many good ones that I am unable to decide. I just knew that would happen! However, I did have to narrow the choices to 5 because I couldn't figure out how to make all of them show up in the poll. Where is the poll? It is at the top of the sidebar on the left. It looks like the poll will be open for a week and then I will have my lucky theme title. Why is it "lucky"? Well, why not! I need all of the luck I can get. In the meantime, I have lots of thanks for these blogging folks who so nicely offered ideas. So, Liina, Heather, Here I Am, In and Out of Luck, Kim, Egged Out, BabyStep, and Jenna sais quoi thanks so much for taking the time to come up with such good ideas and especially for sharing them with me. And, don't forget, at the end of polling there is a much coveted prize for whoever submitted the winning theme!

And now, I realize I am quite late to the game, but better late than never. I need to thank Sticky Bun, Cece, and Chicklet for offering me up for a Rockin' Girl Blogger. It's so nice to know that I can be helpin' folks along the way, or at least sharing in the commiserating along the way.

So, in honor of the pretty little pink box, I have 5 peeps to nominate as well:

Sunny. Cuz she always has an encouraging word and cuz she knows just how hard it is to be a teacher and deal with this monster called infertility.

Here I Am. Cuz even though we are 2500 miles apart we've been very much in sync these past many months.

Heather. Cuz she makes me laugh and joined in for prayer buddies.

Kristen. Cuz she can always give me something to think about and she writes with such honesty and compassion.

Rachel. Cuz she hopped right onto my blog after my miscarriage and gave me hope.

And because I can't follow directions with naming just 5, and because I can't leave out my neighbor (even though we live 350 miles apart), here's one more.

Melanie. Cuz she's my neighbor. And my real life friend. And listens to all of my infertility related rants. And is still my friend. And my neighbor.

Now I would also like to point out, in case you haven't noticed, that today not only did I master creating a poll (remember to vote!) but I mastered creating links.


  1. Rock on rockin girl! Ill be voting in the poll!

  2. Yay! I am a link!

    Quite frankly, I am so excited about the link, being entered into the poll may cause me to spontaneously combust.

    Of course, I am the same person who informed my husband that Clomid would turn me into a lizard. So I may be overstating things a bit. :)

  3. You definitely rock! I'm so hoping for this cycle! (And I did vote on the title--very fun!) :-)

  4. Aren't you the sweetest EVER!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  5. You are so so sweet! Thank you for the shout-out. I am very honored to be nominated but such a beautiful, smart, talented woman. Thank you again. XOXO
