Sunday, April 01, 2007

My New Favorite Word


As in, according to Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test, I am pregnant! Can you believe it! Personally, I had a little trouble believing it at first. I must have looked at the test results about 100 times. However, since the test gives the results in words, as in "PREGNANT" I can be certain that I didn't misread it.

The rest of this post will cover all of the details, so if you don't like my ramblings, or are afraid of TMI, then now would be the time for you to quit reading. Consider yourself warned!

Just this past Wednesday I was sitting in my gynocologist's office having a consult about my upcoming surgical procedure. Of course he wanted to know where I was in my cycle. Since it was day 28 for me, and since I had seen a tiny spot in the morning, I told him it was imminent. Then the next day, Thursday, when Brian and I were meeting with the RE, he asked the same question. And he got the same answer from me. Aunt Flo's arrival was imminent.

On Friday I went to the paint store and bought 3 gallons of paint so that I could paint my bedroom and bathroom since Brian was out of town. I spent the rest of the day prepping the room for painting. My plan was to just throw paint on the walls on Saturday morning. Anyhow, still no sign of Aunt Flo. I was starting to worry that I had begun to enter menopause and that the delay was surely a sign of diminished ovarian reserve. Before I went off the deep end I decided to buy a pregnancy test for Saturday morning. I know, I know, what infertile doesn't have a ready supply of all sorts of pregnancy tests?!?!?!

So Saturday morning rolls around and Molly woke me up at 6:30 for her potty run. I took her out before heading for my own. I managed to pee on the stick and not my hand, closed up the test, and set it on the kitchen island before heading outside to scoop up dog poop. Can you tell that I was really dreading looking at the result? The result I was sure of which was negative? When I came back inside I picked up the stick and was on my way to the trashcan with it when I looked in the window. All it said was "Pregnant". There wasn't a "Not". It took my breath away. Even though I have been praying and hoping and wishing for this moment for a really, really, really long time. I couldn't believe it. I looked and looked for the "Not". It just wasn't there. I even compared the stick with the directions. Then I cried. Then I tried to tell Molly about it. She really didn't care. Then I found my phone to call Brian. He was shocked that I was up so early. Then I told him that he picked a hell of a weekend to go to Chicago to play around. Then I told him. And he was speechless for a moment and I know he wished he was here instead of in Chicago. Then I told him that now he gets to paint the bedroom and bathroom when he gets back. He wasn't so excited about that part.

My next call was to the doctor's office and I have an appointment for tomorrow morning for the blood test. So, wish me well. And continue to pray for me, as I am, for a safe, healthy, fun pregnancy ending with a perfect, healthy baby.


  1. I am so excited for you!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! I guess I can't throw out my changing table and other baby stuff I'm getting rid of. I'll have to give them to you with pleasure!!!!

  3. Wow!! This is such great news!! Keep me posted on everything!! Congrats!

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hey, Wow, Exciting, FINALLY! Way to go to the both of you! I told you it would happen!!!! Good luck and keep me posted! Mary Leon

  5. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I am crying tears of joy for you and Brian. Please keep me posted. More prayers headed your way! RM
