Sunday, March 14, 2010

Christmas in March

Well, it isn't really Christmas, but Andrew doesn't know the difference. I still had some giftcards for him left over from Christmas and I finally made a purchase for him. At the time Andrew had gotten so many toys that he really didn't need anymore. However, with spring in the air and the weather being so delightful we really needed something for him to do outdoors. So, I got him this really cool school bus with a slide off the back of it. It's been a huge hit! We let him play with it first inside the house so that he could get used to the slide.

Andrew starts his morning on his bus with his blanket while watching Nick Jr. Apparently it's the best seat in the house.
And the best way to end the day, apparently, is atop the bus.

But best of all, is the bus in the backyard. Of course, Andy was equally fascinated by the 10 tons of granite rocks in our backyard as well. However, the slide was a clear favorite.

I guess Andy wasn't paying attention to the episode of Little Bill when Little Bill learned that he shouldn't pick flowers and buds off plants.
At least my boy takes time to smell the flowers.


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Love the bus! We have those same super hero pj's! And why is your grass so green? I'm in TX and its still brown, brown, brown!

  2. Our grass is so green because it's still our winter grass. We have to overseed in the fall with rye grass because the burmuda grass from summer goes dormant during the winter. We've also had TONS of rain, hence green grass.
