Monday, March 02, 2009

The Power of 8

Today's post is brought to you courtesy of the number 8.

Why 8 you say?

Because 8 is . . .
  • The number of loads of laundry I did yesterday and today.
  • The number of hours I worked on school things on Saturday.
  • The number of hours of sleep I'd like to get tonight. Actually, any night would do.
  • The number of times I lost my school keys today.
  • The number of Girl Scout cookies I ate today. (Thin Mints, YUM)
  • The number of times I counted to 10 today. (It was a rough day)
  • The number of pictures I had printed for Andrew's birthmom today.
  • And finally, the number of teeth popping through Andrew's gums!

Yup, my boy is working on 8 teeth right now! Four on top, and four on the bottom. What a little trooper he is. In fact, the only sign (other than seeing the actual teeth) is a drenching amount of slobber and drool. I guess it won't be long until I have to share my Girl Scout cookies with Andrew!


  1. Hurrah.

    Well, not about the counting to 10 and the keys.

  2. 8 is great (most of the time) hehe

  3. 8 teeth all at once? You know, I gotta say, I'd rather it be more at once than one at a time. A few days of severity vs ~lots~ of days of regular pain. I'd rather just get that crap over with!

    heh on the thin mints. I'm trying to suck out the little pieces of thin mints out of my teeth right now, so I can brush. :) mmmmm. Thin mints.

    Sorry you had to count to 10 so many times today though. And 8 loads of laundry? You are a rock star.

  4. 8 TEETH!!! Wow, Baby M is less than 9 days from his first birthday and still only has 2!
