Friday, December 28, 2007

There's No Going Back

I know, and you know, that I already decided not to do another round of IVF. I chose not to, knowing that come January our insurance would be offering some coverage. $5,000 towards procedures and covered prescriptions. There was a catch though. Our particular RE wasn't on the approved list. Well, our RE was trying to get on the list. Knowing all of this, I still decided not to do IVF again. Good thing. The RE's office called yesterday to tell me that the insurance company won't let them on the list. Apparently the insurance company is testing out infertility coverage on a very limited basis and they won't think about adding anyone else until about a year down the road. So, as it turns out, IVF wouldn't have even been an option for us. And that's OK, because I feel better knowing that I made my decision based upon my feeling on the matter and not as a financial decision.

However, there is one last thing I want my RE to do for me. And it doesn't involve needles, blood, vaginal ultrasounds or financial hemorraging. Yesterday I dropped off the physician's statement packet from the adoption agency. I just need Dr. P to fill out the form and type a letter for me indicating that I am healthy enough and mentally stable enough to parent a child. I figure he spent a year and a half and took a boatload of money trying to get me pregnant so he must think I am capable.

While we are here in California we will be giving out the adoption reference forms to some of our family and friends. So slowly, very slowly, we are getting going on our paperwork. Our local police department only does fingerprints on Mondays until 3pm, so we have to wait until Jan. 7th to get that done. I'm sure if we got arrested they could find a way to take our fingerprints sooner than that, but I'm just not sure that I want to go through all of that trouble.


  1. Bless your little heart. Praying for amazing favor!

  2. I think you should go get arrested, cuz it'd be a hell of a story to tell your kid about how you wanted to expedite the process to get them sooner:-)

  3. I am sure they could get your fingerprints quicker too.

  4. This is SO exciting! Just think. . . your baby is waiting for YOU now!

  5. How exciting! There is a child out there waiting for you!!!!!
